You are with a woman who emanates dynamic energy, flowing, ever changing with boundless intuitive wisdom and creative energy. The Goddess archetype is the domain of spirituality, mystical experience and intuition.Įxpressing this archetype in its fullness feels like this: SHE resonates transpersonal, harmonious love for everyone and all beings.

The Goddess archetype is the transcendent, connected-to-all-that-is, aspect of self. She inspires one’s soul to new heights of expression and connection with life in its magnitude and fullness. The Goddess connects one to a constantly shifting transcendent flow of possibility and newness. Representing the mystery of the unknown and unknowable she ignites Eros, inspiration and vital force that seeks new experience, new associations, new possibilities, new connection out of stagnation and old, non-serving technologies and processes. Her wisdom is unfathomable, intuitive, untraceable and ever-evolving. She is the primordial first cause, originator, progenitor -Creatrix. The Goddess is the dynamic, flowing energy of creation and evolution. Here is a mystery, an incalculable delving into the void -out of which all things come. The Goddess is the archetype that provides transcendent healing, a re-connecting with source, and nurturing of divine essence. New aspects can be integrated by imagining what it would feel like to think or behave in this new way and see what circumstances or opportunities already exist that could be positively affected by adopting these higher concepts, principles and motivations. One way to do this is to study and ponder at length each archetype description seeking its current expression in one's life and discovering new aspects to incorporate into one's mind set. Those seeking to discover and “grow into” their expression of the Divine Feminine will want to contemplate the full-expression of these archetypes and perceive how these show up in their life. With conscious “feeding” of these archetypes other weaker energies are passively nurtured to fullness. There are many “feminine” archetypes present in the psyche/soul, six have been chosen to represent those with the strongest influence and most importance to our psycho-spiritual evolution. SHE is “anima,” the spark of inspiration, catalyst of change, siren of desire. The Divine Feminine comprises a group of archetypal energies that drive one’s consciousness and felt sense of being. Goddess, Queen, Priestess, Warrioress, Lover, Wise Woman By developing healthy, integrated aspects of the divine masculine and feminine, one drops egoic fetters attached to the soul and ascends to spiraled heights of consciousness and new expressions of being. The following is written as embodied by a woman, yet is equally valuable for men to contemplate and integrate these “feminine” qualities into their awareness of their inner feminine -“anima.”ĭeveloping the inner harmonic relationship of the divine masculine-feminine is our evolutionary process finding fruition -none too late for our species survival- for it is through this integration and harmonization that we reach the higher possibility of integrated holistic consciousness. As men open to their inner feminine aspect, they can reach for this divine ideal to emulate and integrate. Women who have been subjugated to male thinking and ideals seek models to nurture their natural connection to divine source energy. The Divine Feminine represents the supreme level of feminine expression and manifestation in the world. What qualities and attributes are revealed in the Divine Feminine? How does she “show up” in the world? The Divine Feminine is the subject of many conversations and the object of much veneration and worship. God, King, Priest, Warrior, Lover, Sage.

Goddess, Queen, Priestess, Warrioress, Lover, Wise Woman.s2Btlq.o1jVOK-upgrade:not(.o1jVOK-mobile).comp-k946jf4q.