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Even when they get all warm and cozy with Babyface on the potentially mushy "These Are the Times" (in spite the absurdity of the straight-faced line "Tear you up in little pieces/Swallow you like Reese's Pieces"), Dru Hill slice into the section of '90s soul music that crosses bedroom come-ons with classic street savvy (and nervy beats) without sounding at all whipped. Chorus: Dru Hill, Sisqo Walks by me every day Her and love are the same The woman thats stolen my heart (I dont think you hear me) And beauty is her name Im hoping I can make you mine Fore. There's a gutsy edge to the songs here (especially the hard-knocking "How Deep Is Your Love") that make one-time peers like Boyz II Men sound like the soulless R&B robots they are. « Dramatics Dynamic Superiors » Click on the song titles to hear demos. My Account view order history and download songs Dru Hill. And for a good deal of Enter the Dru, the formula works. Brand new site with 1600+ Professional MIDI files, all with demos. The best of the late-'90s R&B crooning quartets ups the musical ante on their sophomore album, lacing the silky-smooth grooves with splashes of street-tough shouts that are meant to antagonize as much as they are to seduce. Because our MP3s have no DRM, you can play it on any device that supports MP3, even on your iPod KBPS stands for kilobits per second and the number of KBPS.
Explore the page to download mp3 songs or full album zip for free. MP3 is a digital audio format without digital rights management (DRM) technology. without hearing Dru Hill frontman Sisqo's first solo smash, 'Thong Song. Sisq Unleash the Dragon 1999 album songs are now available to direct download in ios. Sprint cellphone customers will be able to download 'What You Know' and 'Ride. Purchase and download this album in a wide variety of formats depending on your needs. Unleash the Dragon is the debut solo studio album by American R&B singer Sisq of Dru Hill, released on Novemon Def Soul.